e'cco bistro chocolate tart - overwhelmed
More than 21,000 hits have been registered on my site in a week and it's all a little bit overwhelming. Now I'm sure my mother and I are responsible for a good proportion of those hits as we've been checking all the different countries that have visited my blog this past week. I've been flattered by the nice comments and emails and promise I won't let your praise go to my head - well maybe just a little. I hope some of you will continue to visit my blog now that you've stumbled upon it.

As it's Wednesday in Sydney, it's "food" day. I had a bit of a baking bonanza on Sunday and managed to bake 3 items. I've not been feeling well so not everything turned out quite as expected including this chocolate tart. I used a Philip Johnson recipe from e'cco bistro in Brisbane. My parents live in Brisbane and e'cco has been our restaurant of choice for just about every important family celebration we've had during the past 12 or 13 years. I can't remember from which recipe book this comes (maybe from my sister's collection of cookbooks) as I'd handwritten the recipe.
I ignored the baking instructions and the resultant tart which tasted spectacular didn't look quite as I thought it should. It's amazing what a dusting of cocoa powder can cover! I had plenty of the ganache filling remaining and made a few individual tarts following the instructions to the letter. They looked like I thought they should look but when cut, I preferred the texture of the larger tart. The filling is wickedly rich and the whole tart was demolished in record time so it must have tasted good.
Bye for now,
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