Friday Favourites - Brisbane

I spent last weekend in my home town of Brisbane. Our Sydney winter has been mild but Brisbane's weather must have been close to tropical. I'd forgotten how brightly coloured the flowers are in Brisbane. The flowers in Sydney are much more muted by comparison at this time of year.

I was up bright and early on Sunday and strolled around the neighbourhood taking photos of the flowers particularly the bougainvillea at Camden, a well known apartment building in our street. 

I also took photos of flowers well known from my childhood but I'm embarrassed to admit, I don't know their names.

Before I turned for home I took a walk down Eden Lane and took photos of the lavender at Eden Court and my Auntie Jill's lovely house. Brisbane was looking at it's finest that weekend.

I still have more Brisbane posts to come in the next week or two so look out for them. 

Have a happy weekend.


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