Dark Chocolate Macadamia Oatmeal Cookies

I decided to make some cookies last weekend and thought about oatmeal cookies. I downloaded a few recipes from the internet before I looked through my recipe file and remembered this recipe.
Of course I adapted the recipe. I left out the cinnamon, reduced the sugar and chocolate content then substituted coarsely chopped toasted macadamia nuts for the cranberries.

The recipe made 36 cookies so I kept half a dozen for me and I took the rest into work. We're quite short staffed at the moment so I thought the cookies would take a few days to be eaten.

If you're looking for a chewy cookie, then this recipe is not for you unless you reduce the cooking time by a few minutes. Either the cookies were very good or my workmates are greedy little piggies because when I checked the tin on Tuesday morning there was one lonely cookie left.
I'll be back on Wednesday with a sneak peek so until then,
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