African Violets
As it's Hump Day today, I thought I'd post something pretty for you. I have a confession to make - I'm a geeky African Violet grower. It started 2 years ago when I returned from my holidays. I found a purple african violet left on the window ledge at work. It was looking a little sad and lost, so I watered it. A little while later a hot pink african violet arrived and as no-one else seemed interested, I started watering it as well.

Last year a client bought me this ruffled beauty and since then I've added 2 more purple weeping african violets to the fold. I'll have to take this back to work tomorrow but in the meantime, I hope you enjoyed the prettiness.
Gorgeous, I LOVE african Violets, they remind me of my late father, he always had one on his desk at home! In highschool I adopted the trend and had one on my desk as well!