lemon pistachio shortbread
Greetings from sunny (not) Brisbane. It's rained constantly since I arrived last Saturday and unfortunately I brought all the wrong clothes with me. I've been wearing some of my brother's way too large for me but comfy sweaters to keep me warm. Apart from a quick dash to the store with my Dad this morning, I've not left the house. So much for going to the Valentino exhibition.
I made these cookies on Labour Day and brought them into work for morning tea. The recipe comes from side of a supermarket flour packet. I'm not at home; my parents don't use the same brand of flour and unfortunately, I haven't been able to track down the recipe on the internet for you so apologies. The texture wasn't quite as I'd anticipated - not quite shortbready enough and they certainly weren't sufficiently lemony for my taste. The lemon icing was yummy though and I finished off the bowl for my lunch.

I took the cookies into work, a bit worried that my workmates wouldn't like them. The biscuit tin was empty by day's end, which is always a good sign.

I kept a few at home and I have to say the biscuits do improve their flavour on keeping. I bought another packet of pistachios on Saturday and I have a bag of lemons in the fridge so I do have plans to make some more lemon pistachio shortbreads. I have lots of lemon flavoured treats to make first then I'm going to try making them again using another shortbread recipe I've used before.
I hope you all had lovely weekends and that it wasn't quite so rainy wherever you are.
See you all again on Wednesday,
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