Chocolate Stout Cupcakes and the Psychology of the Cupcake
I found this Donna Hay recipe a few weeks ago and was dying to try it out, especially the peanut butter icing. Off to the shops I went in search of peanut butter.

I decided to make cupcakes and as I can't help myself, used Greek yoghurt instead of the sour cream. The cake mixture is very runny and I'm sure you could either halve the suggested quantity of beer or sour cream with no ill effect.
So where is the peanut butter icing? Well I had a bit of a disaster and the mixture split. Out it went into the bin and instead I used this icing from Nigella Lawson again substituting Greek yoghurt for the cream.

The tang of the yoghurt in the icing went so well with the chocolate cake but I had lots of trouble getting my workmates to eat them. This has happened before when I've brought in cupcakes. I have this theory that eating a whole cupcake looks greedy, so instead they cut the cupcake into pieces and eat morsels of it. If I'd made a cake they would have cut slabs from the cake with no compunction. Thankfully their sons had no such qualms...
See you all again on Wednesday,
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