peach melba yoghurt pops

Now I know for some of my readers you're shivering through a snowy winter but it's summer time here in Australia. It's been a blisteringly hot summer in Sydney so I've been eating loads of salads and food that can be quickly cooked or reheated. For dessert it's been mangoes and popsicles!

I bought some popsicle moulds just before Christmas but needed to clear out my freezer before I had enough room in which to fit the moulds. Friday night saw me tossing out items I couldn't identify or knew had been in there for way too long. I located some frozen raspberries in the deep freeze and after I rummaged through the fridge I found I had peaches and yoghurt as well, so peach melba popsicles it was.

I don't have a regular blender so I puréed the fruit using my stick blender. The Greek yoghurt I used was quite tart as were the raspberries so I needed to add something to sweeten the popsicles. I added some honey, but you could use sugar or any other sweetener that won't overpower the flavour of the fruit. The most difficult part of making the popsicles? The time you have to wait for them to freeze!

Here's the recipe for you, which makes 8 popsicles. For all my recipes I use a 250ml cup and a 20ml table spoon. You'll need a blender, 8 x 1/3 cup popsicle moulds and 8 wooden popsicle sticks
Peach Melba Yoghurt Pops – makes 8
1⅓ cup plain Greek yoghurt
Runny honey or caster sugar to taste
150g fresh or frozen raspberries
1 medium peach, peeled and chopped
1 tsp vanilla extract
Combine yoghurt and honey, adjust the sweetness as desired, then divide into 3 bowls. Place a ¼ cup yoghurt into the first bowl for the raspberry layer. Place ¾ cup in the second bowl for the vanilla yoghurt layer then put the remaining ⅓ cup into a bowl for the peach layer.
Place a few raspberries in the base of each popsicle mould. Puree the remaining raspberries in a blender until smooth, then strain through a fine sieve into the bowl containing a ¼ cup yoghurt and stir to combine with the yoghurt mixture. Put into the fridge until needed.
Puree the peeled peach in the blender, then add to the ⅓ cup yoghurt mixture and stir to combine. Pour the peach mixture over the whole raspberries. Freeze for about 20 minutes. Mix the vanilla into the ¾ cup of yoghurt and pour over the peach layer. Freeze for a further 30 minutes before topping with the raspberry yoghurt layer. Freeze until firm but not completely frozen, then insert a popsicle stick into each mould and freeze until set.
To unmould, dip base of moulds in cold water and slide out the popsicles.

See you all again next week with some more baking from my kitchen.
Bye for now,
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