cape town

I had one free day in Cape Town before my conference began, then hired a car for a few days so these images were taken on just the first day. Trust me there are plenty more images and when I get time and an internet connection I'll share them with you.

My first full day I went to the V and A Waterfront area to visit the Oranjezicht City Farm Markets.

It was a lovely sunny day and there were so many lovely things on display like these beautiful roses and organic strawberries.

These eggs were so beautiful I just had to photograph them.

Some more beautiful organic produce.

If I'd not already eaten I would have been tempted by all the food stalls but I had things to do and places to see.

My apartment was just across the street from the Bo Kaap area so I roamed around with my camera.

I found this impromptu game of street soccer underway.

These three boys were having an argument. I wonder if it had anything to do with the knife in one of the boys hands?

Colour everywhere you turned.

and then just a little bit of a crumbling facade unadorned by paint.

So many more images to come but I'm about to head to Namibia so time to close here.
By for now,
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