Black and White Film

I collected the black and white film and scans on Friday night and I've been busy sorting through the images. There's no instant feedback with film, so you have to have confidence in what you're doing and with your camera.

In fact 6 weeks have passed since I took the first images in London. I shoot differently when using film. Film is expensive ($49 to buy, develop and scan 1 roll of black and white film) so I think and prepare before I shoot. I photograph interesting faces, street scenes and architectural details.

In general I'm really happy with the results and wish I'd taken more rolls of film with me and taken more photos than I did but there'll always be a next time.

I'd like to give a big thank-you to Ian Lever who processed the film for me. He did a great job with the negatives.

I'll split the images into a few posts because I don't want you to get bored!

A few photos from Lisbon, London, Cordoba and Barcelona follow. Next post will feature Paris,

Bye for now,
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