New Year's Resolutions 2009
- take more time out to enjoy myself. I spent way too much time in 2008 huddled in front of my p.c. I tried to remember the last time I'd been to the movies or to see an exhibition since I returned from my holiday in September and couldn't.
- defrost the freezer. There was a polar ice cap developing in there.
- sort out the linen cupboard
- clean out the kitchen shelves, cupboards and pot drawers
- sort out my accounts
- clean the extractor fan.
My photography goals are separate and they're written down on the chalk board in my kitchen. When 1 goal is achieved that goal is erased from the chalkboard. One of my goals "to get better" is never erased. I do think my photography is improving and have to say I'm so glad that I decided to buy my Nikon d-300 this year. Whilst I still have to do some work on the files, it's nothing compared to the work I had to do on the files from the Nikon d70S.
One photographic goal to be achieved this year is to shoot more film. I've continued to shoot black and white film but I only shot 1 roll of colour film in 2008. I'm going to do better than that in 2009. When I have a bit more time I will pull out some favourite images from 2008 but at the moment I'm preparing my ad and some new pricelists for 2009 so that's keeping my busy as I have a Monday deadline.
I had a quiet New Year's Eve so on New Year's Day I set about achieving some of the goals I'd set for 2009 and set to work defrosting the freezer. Once that was done I was staggered to see how little real food there was in there. I seem to hoard nuts and herbs and little else. Once that was done I made my way to the Randwick Ritz to see a movie. There was a small crowd of very young children clutching the hands of parents and grandparents and I hoped they weren't planning to see Marley and Me.
I read the book by John Grogan a few years ago and was instantly reminded of Coco, our beloved kelpie/labrador cross who also went by the monicker of naughtybadwicked - all one word, because that's what she was. Pretty much everything Marley did, Coco did except she didn't drink from the loo and her furniture chewing was only confined to wooden furniture.

She was a top thief and regularly returned home with cartons of milk, newspapers, plants and toys that she'd "borrowed". She was also partial to swimming and the absence of a swimming pool at our place didn't deter her one bit. She just wandered over to the neighbours place and had a dip there when the mood took her followed by a lie-down on one of their beds. How long this had been going on we didn't know as our neighbours were too polite to complain.

I'm firmly a dog lover and when I was home in Brisbane I found one of Coco's old tags still hanging from the washing line so I took a photo.

In Coco's place these days is a cat and whilst I will never prefer cats to dogs, this cat is one character and has the family firmly wrapped around her not so little paws, photos to follow.

You'll be glad to know that I've now sorted through the accounts and have plans to see an exhibition at the State Library tomorrow so my goals for this Long Weekend are still on target.

That was a long post so I'll close here,
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